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        Thats right! The rumors are true! LonelyPlanet has come into the area of the HNM! LonelyPlanet is no Newbie LS That most start out as LP is a mass Social LS that did Sky Runs and high level missions. The average level in the LS being 70 we finally decided to go out and put our foot onto the world of HNM's. LonelyPlanet, luckily thanks to all the skills that already exists among the members, is able to get by the "newbie" stage of a HNM LS and go all out.
        The Decision to become a HNM LS was made during a LS meeting at 4:39 [EST] this SAT. The LS is thrilled to be able to now benefit themselves and will be able to grow stronger with the items that we will now be able to obtain through these monsters.
        How Strong Are We? We Are Strong Enough To Kick Your A**! Just Kidding. Lonely Planet has been around for ages and has grown bigger and bigger we were at one point looking at becoming a sky LS. But alas there was not enough high level members in the LS and some members did not have sky access. So we are going HNM to build the LS and become ever more stronger.
        SO YOU WANT TO JOIN LONELYPLANET? LonelyPlanet is LOOKING FOR MEMBERS! We Are Accepting Applications from Players with Mage Jobs 60+ and melee jobs 65+. If You Are Interested In Joining Us Then Please Submit An Application Through Our LS Forum. Simply Click on the LS Forum Button or just click this like [To LonelyPlanet Forum] and go to "Apply For LonelyPlanet" and submit an application.

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